"Set yourself free from years of mental torment"

EFT has now become one the most sort after tools around the globe for releasing negative emotions surrounding traumatic events.  EFT has now become a major dominating tool in helping individuals who continue to suffer greatly due to negative childhood experiences.

EFT has been used successfully to help individuals overcome PTSD (post traumatic stress) from child abuse, child sexual abuse, and a wide range of childhood traumas.

A Look at Child Abuse

I can remember back to my early 20's overhearing people saying how Child Abuse is on the rise and that it was never like this when we were growing up.  However this I believe is not true, as these days we hear more about Child Abuse because we are no longer willing to just sweep it under the carpet.

Child Abuse may be categorized into a couple of different forms: child sexual/physical abuse, and or mental abuse. Yet for a child there is no distinction as abuse is abuse, and all forms of child abuse have the same potential to set up long lasting emotional problems that can stay with an individual the whole of their adult life.

Today EFT - Emotional Freedom Technique is almost one of the only tools currently available that is helping individuals overcome and let go of the trauma of child abuse.  Yes there may be other tools that work effectively, yet in my eyes I haven't seen any that help individuals as fast and as efficiently as EFT..

Previously the only way one could get help was by seeing a psychologist; by talking and reliving the events over and over..  Yet today we know that in most cases this doesn't seem to be working.  Sitting down talking and talking and talking about these events over and over in most cases does nothing to resolve these negative emotions.

The problem is that in many cases sitting down with a psychologist reliving these events over and over can reinforce your negative emotions and amplify the emotional pain associated with the memory of the event.  Yes it is true that occasionally individuals are able to resolve their pain by talking, yet far to often even after 10, 15 or 20 years of professional help suffers continue to live with the emotional pain from the abuse they suffered.

Is there any difference with using EFT to release Negative Emotions of Child Abuse as apposed to other types of events ?

A Look at Childhood Trauma

Some of the traumatic events we experience as a child may not seem that traumatic as an adult.  In fact there are many experiences that would not even get a second glance if we experienced them as an adult.

However as children we are not able to process the information in the same way as adults, thus to some extent as children we are sponges sucking in everything around us without any filters that allow us to see the whole picture.  This is why many teenagers and adults continue on through life with intense emotional discomfort around certain insignificant events.

On the other hand there are also many other events that children experience that are obviously more traumatic.  Some of these events may include the death of loved ones, being involved in traumatic events such as motor vehicle accidents, parent separation and a whole host of other experiences.

Childhood events that cause any type of emotional discomfort can lead to significant changes in individuals as they grow into adults.

We need to remember that most of our current fears and worries stem from our childhood, thus from my perspective it is totally irrelevant what our childhood experience was or how significant or insignificant it might appear to someone else. If you have any negative emotion surrounding ANYTHING no matter how big or small that experience may appear to you, if you can remember a moment in time that brings up strong negative emotions  then IT WILL usually be effecting you now.

I can almost bet that events from you childhood that impacted you in some way will almost certainly be effecting you today; they may have been small or big, but almost certainly they will be impacting your current thinking, how you react to events, and your emotions themselves.